I’ll introduce about “Moon Festival” in China.
In the old calendar, August fifteenth (this year is September eighteenth), it held “中(zhōng)秋(qiū)節(jié)” which is the one of the biggest event that follows “春(chūn)節(jié)(旧正月)” in China. In autumn, it’s the time of harvest for Chinese. It’s made a custom what they worship the beautiful moon to be thankful for God who brings harvest and including the pleasure of harvest.
It owes becoming clear air and being able to see the moon very beautiful to becoming autumn. So, following the era, the custom of “月(yuè)见(jiàn)” is changed the event which they appreciate the moon to mean religion. In China, it called “中(zhōng)秋(qiū)節(jié)”, ”八(bā)月(yuè)節(jié)”, ”団(tuán)円(yuán)節(jié)”, and just called “八(bā)月(yuè)十(shí)五(wo)”.
In the event, they eat “月(yuè)见(jiàn)” which is one of the traditional sweets. It’s made round shape, and it’s expressed that they live in perfect harmony as family. The standard taste is bean-jam(餡), and the other tastes are chestnut, walnut, and egg Every family members enjoy “月餅” after meal together.
In the old calendar, August fifteenth (this year is September eighteenth), it held “中(zhōng)秋(qiū)節(jié)” which is the one of the biggest event that follows “春(chūn)節(jié)(旧正月)” in China. In autumn, it’s the time of harvest for Chinese. It’s made a custom what they worship the beautiful moon to be thankful for God who brings harvest and including the pleasure of harvest.
It owes becoming clear air and being able to see the moon very beautiful to becoming autumn. So, following the era, the custom of “月(yuè)见(jiàn)” is changed the event which they appreciate the moon to mean religion. In China, it called “中(zhōng)秋(qiū)節(jié)”, ”八(bā)月(yuè)節(jié)”, ”団(tuán)円(yuán)節(jié)”, and just called “八(bā)月(yuè)十(shí)五(wo)”.
In the event, they eat “月(yuè)见(jiàn)” which is one of the traditional sweets. It’s made round shape, and it’s expressed that they live in perfect harmony as family. The standard taste is bean-jam(餡), and the other tastes are chestnut, walnut, and egg Every family members enjoy “月餅” after meal together.
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