3★Chiaki Nasu
Life with You
Her blog is simple design, but every pictures, she put on her blog, are very beautiful!!
2★Mikako Ishikawa
Aqua blog
Her blog is very cute.
It is good font and many pictures!!
1★Seiichi Tomita
His blog is very elaborately.His blog's titlle and Ayumi Hamasaki are cute!!
These are a lot of interesting pictures!!!!!!!!!!
I could look at their blogs very easily.And I couldn't decide only three blogs. I like these three blogs but particularly, I like Miho Itou's blog, ★SMILEY★. Her blog is very colorful, and added some Corean letters. It's interesting for me!!
4 件のコメント:
I like your blog.
There are some diary. It's nice!
Thank you for choosing my blog in best3.
I chose your blog in my ranking.
There are a lot of information, and some diary.So I am interested with your blog!
Thank you for your chosing my blogs.
You made a lots efforts for your blog for a long time, so I think it's impressive!